Juna asks me to read Ba Ba Ha Ha
She wanted to study the picture a little more...
She turned the book over to the back...
She pointed to the small face that was the same as the one on the page she just looked at!
I couldn't believe this! I had never done this with her, she thought of it all on her own. A few weeks before she had started looking at the back of the book, I had never paid much attention to it, and then this! This book was given to us by a friend, who actually wrote it! He is a local artist.
Juna loves this book!
I am now selling this book for commission, if you are interested in buying a copy from me, email me @ cramuten@hotmai.com or go to the official website: http://babahaha.com/story.php
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bought a copy. Every bit helps to keep me home longer with my baby! Thanks!