Sunny Day

Sunny Day

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Favorite Book

 Juna asks me to read Ba Ba Ha Ha
 She wanted to study the picture a little more...
 She turned the book over to the back...

She pointed to the small face that was the same as the one on the page she just looked at!

I couldn't believe this!  I had never done this with her, she thought of it all on her own.  A few weeks before she had started looking at the back of the book, I had never paid much attention to it, and then this!  This book was given to us by a friend, who actually wrote it!  He is a local artist.

Juna loves this book!

I am now selling this book for commission, if you are interested in buying a copy from me, email me @ or go to the official website:
please leave a comment that you saw the book here, or leave a comment here that you
bought a copy.  Every bit helps to keep me home longer with my baby!  Thanks!

Friday, September 9, 2011

When Juna Wakes

When Juna wakes
with first light
I turn to her
she looks in my eyes
smiles big and says "Hi"
When Juna wakes
she tells me all about
the sweet dreams she had
she points to the objects
in the room and listens
for their names,
fan, window, pictures
She stretches, her arms and legs
straight out and her little
round tummy sticking up
which reminds her
about her belly button
which she shows me and
presses with her finger
and then it is my turn
When Juna wakes 
rolls, tumbles and pounces
around in the pillows
and laughs, it's the 
sweetest sound 
I've ever heard
and she loves each day
I think, as much as I love her
then I say "up" and 
she stands and 
reaches out her arms, palms up
and I say "jump" and 
she is in my arms
she puts her head 
on my shoulder
and wraps her arms 
around my neck
I can not imagine 
a more wonderful way
to start my day