Tomorrow you will be 16 months old,
1) You love to give hugs to everyone, even the plants and objects around the house
2) And especially, your favorite lovies; the badger twins, funny bunny, ribbit, le petit chicken, blue tiger and sleepy sheep, all of whom you also like to dress, feed and take to bed and in the car with you
3) You are crazy about writing and drawing, dancing and singing, vacuuming and cleaning, baths
4) Your best friends are Adele, Alex and Gracelyn
5) Your favorite books are Animals, Big and Little, Down By The Station, MOO and Carl
6) You love dogs! The first word you say in the morning is "arf." Your other favorite animal is monkey.
7) Your favorite words are mama, ut-oh, no, yes, this and whee
8) Your favorite toys are popper, the pool of balls, the sandbox, your music player
9) You like going to the park, especially for the swings and slide, the gymnasium, storytime, Botanical Gardens
10) You like to watch "Yo Gabba Gabba," "The Backyardigans," and "Mango and Papaya"
11) You fall asleep by taking a short walk with mama in the carrier & laying in bed with mama at night
12) You have a vocabulary of 30 words, growing every day, 5 signs and many animal sounds
13) Your favorite games are hide and seek peekaboo, jumping on the bed
14) Your favorite foods, at the moment, are tofu, pasta, bread, yogurt, you will try anything but spit most things out
15) You love new places, new people and learning new things
16) You are brave, intelligent, creative and beautiful