Sunny Day

Sunny Day

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Events That Changed Me

No event could ever compete, until now,
with the one event that changed my life, and me,
so completely, as to make me unrecognizable
and my life veer off on a different path,
then what it would have been,
but now, I can say instead, "Motherhood."
"The birth of my daughter changed me
and my life, it is one of the two events
that made me who I am more than any others."

Thursday, April 12, 2012


If we listened to our hearts
then maybe we wouldn't all be searching
for this place called Heaven
if we did what was true and right
if we treated this earth like
the place we call home
then we wouldn't be looking
for a place out of sight
we'd be here in Heaven
living the things that we have lost
like innocence and love and light