Sunny Day

Sunny Day

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Week In The Life OR My Facebook Status In A Nutshell

Sunday Night
I can choose to stay up as long as I want, but I can't choose to sleep in afterwards. I haven't slept-in a single day in 34 months.

Monday Reflection on Our Culture
It it OK for our babies to NEED us, in fact, it is the way it should be! Our culture has created the myth that babies are suppose to care for themselves and start becoming independent as soon as they leave the womb... ummm, they're BABIES!

Tuesday Early Morning
I would have said, "Oh man!" when I got up at 5:30, but since I think Juna fell asleep by 9:30, and me shortly after, and I don't recall her waking during the night, I'm just fine with 5:30... plus she was the one who woke me but she fell back to sleep. Ahhhhh, a few precious quiet moments to myself!

Wednesday Morning Needs & Questions
We've been up for about 2 1/2 hours, but I am already worn out from answering about 85 why questions and responding to 50 other mommy-I-need-you requests, such as: I need to get up. I need to peepee on the potty. I need you to hold these. I need to get down. I need you to hold me. I wanna nurse. I wanna nurse some more. I need my Dora pants. You look for them? I need somethin' to drink. Can you find it?... So, it's a good thing I got a "I love you, mama." and a tight squeeze before we got out of bed this morning.

Thursday Night TV
OK, it is so a bad idea for me to stay up late... late for me now is past 10... but usually once or twice a week I just have to do it, sometimes the only hours I have to myself. And did I mention, Midsomer Murders (or whatever I happen to be watching) is so good!  Watching TV is such a coveted luxury these days, as well as: staying up late, taking a bath alone, doing anything else alone, reading in quiet, quiet, etc.

Friday Morning Sleepy Head
This is what it sounds like from 6:47-7:01: "I want to get up, mama.".... "mmmmm".... "Get up, mama."....... "mmmm"..... "I want you to get up...... I want you to GET UP MAMA."..... "OK, give me a minute."........ "No, NOW!.......I want you to get up NOW."......"OK, in a minute. Mama need a minute to wake up. Can you look through the window?"....... "NO. It's dark. I wanna get up. Wahhhh. I WANT YOU TO GET UP MAMA! Wahhhhhh".... "Mama's so tired, baby. I need a minute. Wanna nurse some more?"........ "NO. Wahhhh. Mama GET ME!" (etc.) ......Nursing, nursing, nursing........playing, tickling, snuggling, hugging..... "OK, let's get up."

Friday Noon Compliments
Me: You look great. (to a friend)

Juna: You say, "you look great," why you say that mama?
Me: Because she looks very pretty. Alex has a pretty mommy, don't you think?
Juna: Yeah. I have a pretty mommy too.

Friday Afternoon Nostalgia

I miss my students, I miss teaching, I miss my time, I miss my financial freedom, my independence, my late nights, my other social life, I miss sleeping late, doing whatever I want when I want, my memory, my date nights, my new clothes, travel, my books and writing, my career development, my TV, my clean house, and probably many other things, but I wouldn't trade them for the incredible moments I share with my daughter as I watch her grow and change.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Juna, you are thirty-four months old this month of April,
you are, as ever, your fiercely independent self
and your often repeated statements are,
"Look mama, I did it my self!" and "No, I want to do it MYSELF!"
I have moved all of your clothes where you can get them
and you pick them out and dress yourself,
you have even mastered the big buttons on your favorite jacket,
the straps on your shoes, and getting on your backpack,
although if it were up to you, you would wear pajamas ALL the time,
which you also pick out and put on yourself every night.

You also like to do a myriad of other things, all by yourself,
ride your bike, that grandpa gave you for Christmas,
only about three weeks of frustration before you were riding like a pro,
during the winter you rode it whenever you went from room to room,
and now that it is warm and you have your helmet, you go, go, go.

You always want to try new "big girl" activities and skills,
like spreading butter on you toast and cutting with the butter knife,
cracking eggs, using scissors and glue to make collages,
and putting on stamps to mail your art cards to your friends,

You are also a great helper, you like to clean the house, your favorite duties include:
washing, stacking and drying dishes, cleaning windows,
and folding laundry, which you do with the utmost care,
you love to help with cooking, we make cookies, oatmeal, deviled eggs
and many other things that involve measuring cups and spoons.

You are a cat-sitter, a post office handler, a cleaner-upper,
a car seat buckler, 
and you are meticulous about taking care of your babies and animals,
wrapping them up, diapering, putting them to bed and feeding them.

You love to host tea parties,build with blocks and run your train,
explore the outdoors with Iris, run and kick balls, swim at the pool,
tramps around downtown with your mama and daddy...