Sunny Day

Sunny Day

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day Care And Why We Decided Not To Do It

This year brings many changes, all of which I look forward to with some trepidation.

We have begun the process of day care, with the goal of three hours three days a week... Juna's rarely stayed with anyone for three hours, even her dad, but she is older now... and I am giving this transition as much time as it needs.

Sleep.  Four nights of very poor sleep in two weeks.  This is unusual for Juna.  She's never been an "awake all night" baby, but on these occasions she woke at her usual time of 1:30 or 3:30 and just could not fall back asleep for about two hours.  She had in two months prior had some mild RLS, and I started giving her calcium-magnesium for that.  But the last night she didn't sleep, 3 weeks (which was 8 days of day care) into day care, she has such a hard time, moving and kicking wildly around, in and out of sleep, whimpering and talking in her sleep, that I was afraid she would fall out of bed (which I've never been worried about before, she tends to sleep in the same place all night).   She also missed two naps during this time.  Before we started she had been right on schedule, naps and bedtime at the same time every day and falling asleep in 5-10 minutes with no trouble.

Potty Training.  She stopped going #2 on the potty.  She had been using the potty for 3 months prior, only twice at home did she go in her diaper, and usually when we were out.  She had started also going #1 about a month earlier, which she continued to do.  The last two weeks of day care she had also not gone #2 at all on several days.  Two days after I told her we wouldn't be going to day care, she pooped in the potty again.

Behavior.  She was extra clingy, which wasn't a surprise.  She also started wanting to nurse all the time again.  The first two days after her hour at day care, without me, she was pretty much a wreck afterward until she had her nap.  a few of the days that I left her, she cried and told me she had, but seemed ok.  A few of the days she cried hard when I picked her up from day care.  These incidents seemed normal enough to me and didn't concern me too much, or give me reason to quit.  I knew there would be some adjustment.  However, when I began to question whether this was a good decision and whether she was ready for this step, I read this article, and felt this pertained to her.

What actually bothered me most about her behavior was that she started not wanting to be away from me at all and resisted going to spend time with her other caretakers; her father, grandpa and grandma, people that she has been happily staying with for the last 10 months.

There are a few more reasons why we stopped.  But the above was enough for me to realize it was just too stressful for her. 

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