Sunny Day

Sunny Day

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Having A Conversation

Having a conversation often sounds like this:
"What were we talking about?  Oh yeah.  Such-and-such.  Oh wait, that's too high.  Let's be careful.  Okay, so as I was saying... oh, hold on, don't kick your friend.  We take turns on the slide.  Well, anyway, I was trying to tell you about this-and-that.  What, honey?  You need to pee pee?  Okay, let's go... Well, it's time to get going.  Nice to see you."

As a mother, I don't have conversations anymore, except for the many I have with my daughter about things like how poo poo is made in our bodies.  There are some other things I no longer do and new things: 
Clean my house in a day.
Remember all of my friends' birthdays and send them something.
Remember people's names the first or fifth time I hear it.
Think about myself most of the time.
Have small perky breasts.
Read a book.  Read a whole book.  Read a book in less then 6 months.
Always be on time, make and not break plans.
Sleep through the night and wake myself up.
Complete a blog post, and most other things.
Take a vacation.  Relax. 
Do things when I think of them.
Now I think about child related things 80% of the time, I think it was about 3% prior.
Now I talk about pee pee and poo poo many times a day.
Now I am always multi-tasking.  

Becoming a mother changed me.  Maybe this isn't true for everyone, but I am a different person.  It has been interesting and difficult to get to know myself again and figure out who I am.  I mean, when you change everything that you do, it changes you.  When you are responsible for another person, a child who is completely dependent on you, your emotional and social life completely changes.  When you go through pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding your body completely changes.  New research even shows that your brain changes when you become a mother, it actually grows in size and new areas are created.  However, sometimes it is my tight grasp on who I was before and old habits that inhibit this new transformation to take place smoothly.  It is also difficult that those who knew me before expect me to be the same person that I was.

to be continued...

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