Sunny Day

Sunny Day

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Unfinished Work

I decided to just publish all those things I haven't finished yet, the story of my life right now... unfinished work.

Two Years

Looking back on the last two years of my life, my life with you,
have been the longest two, the loveliest, most joyous,
the hardest, most challenging years that I have lived so far.

Things I've Learned Along the Way Or Wish That I had Known: Advice for Pregnancy and New Mothers

1.  Two weeks before due date... REST REST REST!  Seriously!  Tell yourself every morning that you might wake up at midnight that night and labor for two days... then nap and go to bed early... everything else you have to do, can wait!  NOTHING is more important then this.  You are about to do the hardest job in your whole life, your body needs to be rested to have the strength you'll need to carry you through.
2.  My childbirth class prepared me more than anything else.  We did Birthing From Within.  I felt completely prepared and ready.

1.  This is what got me through the 6 hours of active labor.  I said this during each of my 60-some contractions, "This won't last.  It's almost over."
2.  Trust your body.  Your body knows what to do.  And if something unexpected does happen...
3.  Research all the possibilities.  So, if complications do arise you can still be in control and make the best decisions possible, during the birth and after.

Birthing gown was the only thing I brought that I actually used.  A super packed fridge, freezer and snacks that you can just grab!  It can be very difficult to remember to eat!  I got a bunch of baskets and put them in every room of the house, with diapers, wipes, etc. (the changing table was too scary for a newborn, and sometimes you need stuff pronto!)  I also lived out of a basket of comfy clothes I put in the bedroom, I could just grab them when I woke).  Carrier & Moses Basket (again little babies can be scared in big cribs & then she could sleep where ever I was).

1.  NOTHING is more important than baby.  Let go.  Stop worrying about the house and the laundry.
2.  Ask for advice.
3.  Don't listen to advice.
4.  Support group of new mothers

1.  Take care of yourself.  Yep, everyone says it... but it is difficult to do.  I'm still figuring this on out.

Day Care And Why We Decided Not To Do It

This year brings many changes, all of which I look forward to with some trepidation.

We have begun the process of day care, with the goal of three hours three days a week... Juna's rarely stayed with anyone for three hours, even her dad, but she is older now... and I am giving this transition as much time as it needs.

Sleep.  Four nights of very poor sleep in two weeks.  This is unusual for Juna.  She's never been an "awake all night" baby, but on these occasions she woke at her usual time of 1:30 or 3:30 and just could not fall back asleep for about two hours.  She had in two months prior had some mild RLS, and I started giving her calcium-magnesium for that.  But the last night she didn't sleep, 3 weeks (which was 8 days of day care) into day care, she has such a hard time, moving and kicking wildly around, in and out of sleep, whimpering and talking in her sleep, that I was afraid she would fall out of bed (which I've never been worried about before, she tends to sleep in the same place all night).   She also missed two naps during this time.  Before we started she had been right on schedule, naps and bedtime at the same time every day and falling asleep in 5-10 minutes with no trouble.

Potty Training.  She stopped going #2 on the potty.  She had been using the potty for 3 months prior, only twice at home did she go in her diaper, and usually when we were out.  She had started also going #1 about a month earlier, which she continued to do.  The last two weeks of day care she had also not gone #2 at all on several days.  Two days after I told her we wouldn't be going to day care, she pooped in the potty again.

Behavior.  She was extra clingy, which wasn't a surprise.  She also started wanting to nurse all the time again.  The first two days after her hour at day care, without me, she was pretty much a wreck afterward until she had her nap.  a few of the days that I left her, she cried and told me she had, but seemed ok.  A few of the days she cried hard when I picked her up from day care.  These incidents seemed normal enough to me and didn't concern me too much, or give me reason to quit.  I knew there would be some adjustment.  However, when I began to question whether this was a good decision and whether she was ready for this step, I read this article, and felt this pertained to her.

What actually bothered me most about her behavior was that she started not wanting to be away from me at all and resisted going to spend time with her other caretakers; her father, grandpa and grandma, people that she has been happily staying with for the last 10 months.

There are a few more reasons why we stopped.  But the above was enough for me to realize it was just too stressful for her. 

A Day Off

This morning, while laying in bed and trying to go back to sleep at 4:30, after Juna's 4th wake-up, I started fantasizing about what I would do if I could have a whole day off from being a mother... and two hundred dollars to spend.

I would wake up when I woke up.  I would take a shower.  (I would have had a chiropractic adjustment the previous day & lose 10-15lbs so I would feel and look good for my day off.)  Next breakfast at a cafe... and I would eat whatever I wanted (probably a bagel and cream cheese or eggs and bacon).  Then an hour massage and a haircut.  Shopping for 2 outfits (one for the day and one for night) at my favorite stores (not sure what stores they are since I never go shopping for new clothes).  Next, lunch with a friend at Chai Pani or Doc Cheys or Pastabilities and take in an afternoon feel-good matinee.  On this nice sunny warm day, I would take a walk somewhere beautiful and sit down and write/read poetry in the sun.  Then I would have dinner with another friend at Tomato, the Carne Argentina and a bottle of nice wine.  Then I would go, by myself, to one of the many new bars/restaurants that have opened since my days started ending very early 2 years ago, and read and write while I watched people go by.  Then I would get home and my husband would seduce me with a dozen roses, and we would feel and look like we did the first night we met almost 10 years ago.  Lastly, I would go to bed at 10 with my arms around my sleeping child, hearing her breathing and feeling her heartbeat next to mine.

I know, a crazy fantasy, but since it is a fantasy, I can have just whatever I want!

How my day really goes...

Juna wakes me up and either wants to get up right away, usually when I am still half asleep or wants to stay in bed forever, usually when I have been awake since she last woke me and so ready to get out of bed, or I wake way too early and can't back to sleep.  Juna and I take baths together, so we usually don't bathe until naptime or bedtime, because it helps her fall asleep.  So the first thing we do it make tea and breakfast,

rough draft... to be continued...

Friday, September 28, 2012

My Dearest Daughter

 To My Dearest Daughter,

There is so much I want to tell you,
about how you unfold my heart,
how it feels like the sea and the sky
never ending, how in the beginning
I held your small body inside mine
as you grew, I grew too, in ways I never knew
were possible, your heartbeat was mine,
and my love for you was like nothing
I could have ever imagined, and how
you came to be in my arms, and my arms
felt like the shore, holding your eternal
light, keeping you safe from any storm,
I want to tell you how you open my soul,
with everything that you do, each moment
that I spend with you is like the sunlight
and the moonshine, which I carry you
outside to see when it's brilliance
makes a halo that seems heavenly,
like you, my little sun, my little moon.


Friday, July 13, 2012

In preparation of grandpa Duke's arrival from across the yard, after a 3 weeks absence.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

What Does Juna Do, One Month Shy of Two

"I did it!" one of Juna's favorite phrases,
she uses all day long, for all of the amazing things
she does each day of her 23 months!

She loves to hang on everything,
on bars, on cars, on mommy and daddy's arms,
even upside down, which makes mama say, "Yikes!"

She loves to jump, jump, jump and "RUN!"
especially wearing "Alex's shoes,"
and when there are puddles underfoot.

"What sound is that?" she asks,
with her hand over her ear, and when
she hears the rain, she sings, "Ran, Rain, Go way..."

She loves to feed the fish, and
swim like a fish in any kind of "wawee"
and play in the bubbles too.

She likes to do most things her "self"
like wash from head to toe, she scrubs
her tummy and her hands, and mama's too.

She sings her ABCs something like this,
"ABCEUNO..." and also "la la Elmo, la la Elmo"
and many other tunes.

She says "please,""thank you" and "sorry"
and almost all other things, she gives hugs and kisses,
and asks for them when she gets an "ouchie."

She goes poo-poo on the potty,
something she taught her self, "I did it!"
she says, as she flushes it down.

She is a regular dog-walker,
and wipes her face and says, "yuck"
when she gets kisses on her face.

She loves to feed grandpa's chickens,
right out of her hand, my brave little girl
who's growing and growing and growing away.

My Beautiful Daughter

I'm going to tell you that you're beautiful, because you are,
I'm going to tell you that you're smart, because you are,
I'm going to tell you that you're strong and brave and incredible!

I'm going to tell you that you're sweet, because you are,
I'm going to tell you that you are creative, because you are,
I'm going to tell you that you're fun and silly and lovely!

I'm going to tell you that you make me laugh, because you do,
I'm going to tell you that you make me smile, because you do,
I'm going to tell you that I believe in you, because I do!

I'm going to call you my baby, because you are,
I'm going to tell you that you are wonderful, because you are,
I'm going to tell you that you are something special always!

Friday, May 11, 2012

My Juna, 22 Months Old Today

There is love in each of your ten little toes,
and it flows right up to your cute little nose,
and on the crown of your head it makes a halo,
which shines on me when you smile,
And there is love in each of your ten fingers,
and it reaches with your arms right up to the sky,
I know why your magic always makes me sigh,
because there is love where ever my sweet Juna goes.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

An Apology To Juna

I am SICK today, SICK to my stomach... SICK in my heart... sick of hatred, INEQUALITY, racism, sexism, sick of being let down by my government, sick of believing in my fellow man and being disappointed, sick of people believing they have the RIGHT to dictate the RIGHTS of others, because they are "believers" or white or men or rich or in positions of power, sick of the focus of my country being on war and greed, instead of education and "liberty and freedom for ALL," sick of thinking how I will answer questions from my daughter about why we, as a society, are so screwed up, why our CONSTITUTION is still a LIE, why people hate and bully each other, why she or her friends can't get married, why some follow a GOD who they believe doesn't believe in equal rights. I am sick of HOLDING MY TONGUE to be polite when some are shouting and yelling that what other people are doing just isn't right, how did we get this far away from our hearts?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Photo Card

Little Birdie Baby Announcements
Shutterfly has 100's of personalized baby announcements.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Just One You, Just One Me

If I could choose
just one you and just one me,
you would be exactly who you are
and I would be, the way you see me,
you, perfect in your perfection,
and me, perfect in your perception,
so, I am growing and trying,
and failing sometimes to be
that person for you, as you are for me.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

When They Are Ready, They Tell You

I am the kind of parent they call "accommodating."
I have taken cues from my daughter, believing, that she will tell me when she is ready for the next step, and at every step, she has.  For me, this takes a lot of patience and willingness to listen and wait.  I don't believe that anything needs to be forced.  Children are the most natural of beings... they do not lie, they do not deceive, they can not be spoiled, they can not be loved enough... and they know exactly what they need and when they need it, if we just listen and watch.  And just today, like many other days in this process of motherhood, I witnessed another example.

Lately, Juna's been a little reluctant to put on diapers, so tonight, I told her, "When you are ready to use the big potty like mama and dada, you won't need to wear diapers." She jumped off the couch, went into the bathroom and asked to get on the potty, which we did and she tried several times to go... then jumped off and checked, but apparently she didn't have to go... so then, she runs to the other bathroom, thinking, I suppose, that that was the magic potty that would make her go, and tried again. I think this girl just told me she is ready for potty training!

There is nothing else.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Events That Changed Me

No event could ever compete, until now,
with the one event that changed my life, and me,
so completely, as to make me unrecognizable
and my life veer off on a different path,
then what it would have been,
but now, I can say instead, "Motherhood."
"The birth of my daughter changed me
and my life, it is one of the two events
that made me who I am more than any others."

Thursday, April 12, 2012


If we listened to our hearts
then maybe we wouldn't all be searching
for this place called Heaven
if we did what was true and right
if we treated this earth like
the place we call home
then we wouldn't be looking
for a place out of sight
we'd be here in Heaven
living the things that we have lost
like innocence and love and light

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Juna Loves

Juna's loves
at twenty months
in March:

Saturday, March 24, 2012


It is SPRING!  And with Spring comes one of my other favorite things, Spring Cleaning!  Am I being unrealistically optimistic that I will be able to fulfill this enormous task with Juna by my side?  And what do I hope to accomplish?  Spring is the time of rebirth and great change, of course, which spurs us to on to make those changes to ourselves and the places we reside.  I don't get this feeling with New Year's, which is an arbitrary day chosen on our calendar, but having no connection to any environmental changes, and perhaps that is why my resolutions quickly went by the wayside.  With the blooming of the trees and the glorious warm sunshine, I am feeling the stirring of the desire to make those changes once more... and what better way to start then to organize all the closets, to throw out all of the accumulated useless or unused objects, to scrub every inch and scare the spiders from their corners, so that my surroundings can start to resemble the changes that I wish to make inside myself, and I can start to mirror them in my actions and thoughts.  Because it IS time.  It is time to change and grow.  It is time to become more of the person I wish and hope to be, more of the person I want my daughter to see.  It is time to live in happiness, health, and free from past habits and thoughts that bring me down. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

And Then Came The Toddler

Juna at twenty months,
an ever-growing vocabulary
which delight both she and I,
but still so hard to express herself
as moment to moment flies by,
one minute a smile from ear to ear
clapping hands and "oh yeah"
the next she's about to cry,
and even I, who know her so well,
don't always know why,
an independent person, all her own,
Oh my! putting on her own clothes,
washing herself and blowing her nose,
retelling all the events of her day
and all the stories she knows,
this amazing person in front of me,
She, a wonder, that just grows and grows.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Love Letter To My Sister

I've always felt that we were closer than a marriage, that of our parents,
that we were closer than a life spent growing up together, closer than friends,
I've always felt that if fate hadn't brought us together and made us sisters,
the universe would have found some other way of bringing our souls and hearts
into the same world, I feel that they have always been one,
but because of our childhood and our past, spending so much time saying good-bye,
always being separated from each other without making that choice ourselves,
it's been hard to keep our relationship close, even while our hearts were always so,
we haven't always shared our lives with the other, but we are always striving
to close those gaps and reunite, mend those loose threads that came apart,
because you are the light of my lighthouse, you are the anchor of my ship,
you are all that is sweet and innocent in my history.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

If I Could Count The Ways

If I could count the ways that I love you
it would be more than the stars
and I could never in a million years
count that far, and
If I could measure how amazing you are
it would take a million cups
and even still, all the water that could fill
would be a too much ocean for me to swim
If I could blow a dandylion for every time
you fill my heart with joy
the world would be over run
just as am I

Nothing Else

Nothing Else
is like this
I didn't know
until I met you
then that little
and those little
hands, those little feet
that wee body
laying next to me
listening and watching
nothing else
like this
a whole history
lies in front of me
my history, ours
and that of all
that came before us
nature and evolution
I hear in your
words that you
come to know
without me
even teaching
you are
a little world
onto yourself
and in you
I see
what a perfect
and beautiful world
we can be
as you blossom
and unfold
in such
an amazing

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dear Juna, My Teenager

You were once my little baby
and I held you in my arms,
most of the time, even while you slept
your heart beat against mine,
I rocked you, sang to you,
walked, talked, fed, carried and clothed you,
and spent almost every single moment with you

You were once my little baby
and I held you in my arms,
then you were my little girl,
walking on your own,
my growing child, changing and growing
over all the years, now you are growing
into a young woman and soon to be out the door,
too soon, and my little baby no more

So for now, let me hold you and hug you,
let me hear your dreams and your fears,
let me know all about you
and the person you've become
share your laughter and your tears
because you were once my little baby
and I held you in my arms

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Eighteen Months

You never cease to amaze me,
every day, in so many ways,
I am in awe of you, as you
grow, learn and change

My heart fills with warmth and gratitude
for all of these days that I have spent with you
every day since the one you were concieved,
and perhaps before that, while your little spirit
was waiting for me to be ready for you

Feeling now, that we will always be linked
makes me believe and think in an eternity
I wasn't sure existed before, that we
were always one, always two parts
of that same beating drum

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Red Umbrella

Sitting under my grandmother's red umbrella
there are things that I wish I had told her
about myself, things about her, I'm sure she knew
maybe she knows everything now
because she still holds me in her arms
and I feel her every day, in so many
little ways, and there are things that I wish I knew
about her too, but the most important
is known.  I loved her and she loved me too.

Things We Do

Mother Goose Storytime/Toddler Time @ Local Libraries
Tiny Tykes @ Stephens Lee ($1.)
Mighty Mights @ Asheville Gymnastics ($5.)
Health Adventure (membership)
Asheville Art Museum & Colburn Rock Museum (free 1st Weds)
4th Trimester (membership/Hill St.)
Asheville Mall play area (food court)
Mountain Play Lodge ($6-10)
The Tree House ($7.)
Haywood Park Hotel/Grove Arcade (good for running around and exploring on rainy days)

Our favorite outdoor hangs, weather permitting:
Woodfin Park (Elk Mtn exit)
Weaver Park (Merrimon)
Carrier Park/French Broad Dog Park
Botanical Gardens
Clingman Cafe/River District Galleries
Downtown/Splashville (summer)
Arboretum (free on Tues)
Beaver Lake/Bird Sanctuary
The Nature Center

Thursday, January 5, 2012