Sunny Day

Sunny Day

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Breastfeeding Is Obscene... Really?

A note on the war on public breastfeeding...
It's what's in the minds of those looking at breastfeeding and thinking it is obscene that we have to worry about, not the moms doing it. And I'm wondering which of these definitions apply, I'm assuming a. for men (if you can't control your sexual desire when seeing breasts, you are going to have a much bigger problem in this culture them BFing, since there are literally naked breasts everywhere, ads & TV, and you need to get some help... you have some sexual issues) and I don't even know what to think about women who are against public BFing, I feel very bad for them and how repressed they must feel, although it doesn't surprise me considering it's been a very short time since women were considered equal... and face it, we still have a long long way to go before we actually are treated equal.

Definition of OBSCENE

: disgusting to the senses : repulsive
a : abhorrent to morality or virtue; specifically : designed to incite to lust or depravity
b : containing or being language regarded as taboo in polite usage <obscene lyrics>
c : repulsive by reason of crass disregard of moral or ethical principles <an obscene misuse of power>
d : so excessive as to be offensive <obscene wealth> <obscene waste>

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


For me, patience is remembering to slow down and enjoy the moments of "waiting," which are just part of the experience.  Observing Juna learning used to be such a joy, but then something changed... waiting for her to get herself ready became annoying... because I always felt like I was in such a rush, so I have to remind myself to enjoy those incredible moments again and be amazed again at how she has taught herself how to dress, zip, button, etc. and be grateful that she is so independent.

to be continued...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

On Nursing Your Baby To Sleep

Where is the "Nurse your baby to sleep because you have breasts which make milk which actually produce sleep-inducing breastmilk," option? I just do not understand this whole push to separate our babies from us, to "teach/force" them to take care of themselves... ummm, why does a 3 week old need to take care of itself? I mean, we just did everything for them for 9 months... now suddenly, here they are, and we are told and encouraged to start making them independent. Well, no thank you. I choose another route. I choose to hold my baby, as long as she needed me to, to nurse her to sleep until she started falling asleep all on her own (without me training her), to wake in the night to help her back to sleep, to sleep with her little body beside mine, to meet her needs and to let her decide when she was ready for independence. Have I greatly suffered because I have chosen this path? I can tell you that I don't regret any of it. I can tell you that I have a healthy, happy, independent child who sleeps very well.

Co-sleeping At 32 Months

I love co-sleeping.  I keep meaning to write something about it, but haven't gotten to it... However, I am always posting comments about it... here is one...

I LOVE co-sleeping! It's one of the best experiences of my life! My child is still sleeping with me at 2 1/2 and we plan to transition her to her own bed at 3. My husband actually doesn't sleep with us but it is because he has terrible insomnia, snoring and a totally different sleep schedule. My child has never been a night-waker or night-cryer because I have always been able to take care of her as soon as she needs me, and I was always able to get a lot more sleep... I seriously can't even imagine dragging myself out of bed, walking to another room, picking my child up, who is probably already awake and upset, sitting in a chair for 30 minutes, then trying to put the baby back in bed without waking her, then dragging myself back to bed... seriously sounds like torture to me. If I or my child is awake for too long... say 10 min, then we have a much harder time going back to sleep. Luckily, this only ever happens to us if she is sick. And besides not getting any sleep, I just cound't be that far away from my baby... I seriously wouldn't have been able to sleep at all thinking about her being so far away. When she was newborn, I used to listen to her breath or sometimes put my hand on her chest to make sure she was ok. I never ever was worried about her sleeping with me. I was so hyper-aware of her being there and woke with her every movement, but would fall right back to sleep if she didn't need me, I'm a very light sleeper. Anyway, I don't think it is right for everyone, but it has definitely been the one of the sweetest parts of parenthood for me and my child!!