Sunny Day

Sunny Day

Monday, September 30, 2013


4:00 am (approximate times)
A coughing jag woke you.
4:10 am
I gave you some cough medicine right away, experience has taught me not to wait and see.  It was a new cough medicine, and it didn't work great.
4:30 am
Still coughing.  Nursing.  I gave you another small dose and sat up with you in my lap, nursing, so your congestion could drain.
4:40 am
Coughing subsided.  Laid back down.  Coughing continued.  Tried and tried to go to sleep.
5:00 am
Wrapped you in your blankie, walked to living room and rocked in grandma's rocking chair.  Still coughing.  Sang 10 rounds of Frere Jacques.  Imagined my grandmother rocking my father back to sleep in the middle of the night, in this very chair.  Coughing subsided but you didn't fall asleep.
5:30 am
Back in bed. Tried and tried to go back to sleep.  My first breakdown. 
5:45 am
My second breakdown.
6:00 am
Told you I could not nurse anymore.  I give you my hand to hold instead.  You said you wanted to nurse over and over again.  You got upset.  Tried again to go to sleep.  Couldn't.  Wanted to nurse again.  Repeat.  Repeat.
6:15 am
My third breakdown.
6:30 am
Nursing again. You fell asleep.  I got up to message our friends that we wouldn't be available today.
6:45 am
I fell asleep.
7:30 am
You woke up.  You said, "Damn it.  I have a hair in my mouth."  What?  I tried to casually figure out where you had gotten this word.  Had I said it at some point during the torturous night?
7:45 am
We got out of bed.  You are in a fine mood and I look and feel like I've been run over by a truck.

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