Sunny Day

Sunny Day

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Co-sleeping At 32 Months

I love co-sleeping.  I keep meaning to write something about it, but haven't gotten to it... However, I am always posting comments about it... here is one...

I LOVE co-sleeping! It's one of the best experiences of my life! My child is still sleeping with me at 2 1/2 and we plan to transition her to her own bed at 3. My husband actually doesn't sleep with us but it is because he has terrible insomnia, snoring and a totally different sleep schedule. My child has never been a night-waker or night-cryer because I have always been able to take care of her as soon as she needs me, and I was always able to get a lot more sleep... I seriously can't even imagine dragging myself out of bed, walking to another room, picking my child up, who is probably already awake and upset, sitting in a chair for 30 minutes, then trying to put the baby back in bed without waking her, then dragging myself back to bed... seriously sounds like torture to me. If I or my child is awake for too long... say 10 min, then we have a much harder time going back to sleep. Luckily, this only ever happens to us if she is sick. And besides not getting any sleep, I just cound't be that far away from my baby... I seriously wouldn't have been able to sleep at all thinking about her being so far away. When she was newborn, I used to listen to her breath or sometimes put my hand on her chest to make sure she was ok. I never ever was worried about her sleeping with me. I was so hyper-aware of her being there and woke with her every movement, but would fall right back to sleep if she didn't need me, I'm a very light sleeper. Anyway, I don't think it is right for everyone, but it has definitely been the one of the sweetest parts of parenthood for me and my child!!

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