Sunny Day

Sunny Day

Friday, February 8, 2013


One of our favorite times together is in bed in the mornings, which sounds like this:
Juna puts her hands on my face and turns it to her, and we smile and say, "Hi."
"Mama. I love you."
"I love you too."
And we snuggle, nurse, play, roll around, laugh and talk about our plans for the day.  We might stay in bed for an hour, and when it's time to get up, Juna asks for the "bulldsdover" and I make a "crane with my legs and lower her to the floor.

I also love potty time.  We have the best conversations during potty time, since they tend to last 10-15 minutes and we have nothing to distract us.  Sometimes Juna asks the names of everything in the bathroom.  Sometimes we hang out in the poo poo cave (this is when we put the shower curtain around us to make a little tent).

I love when Juna is in my arms and she has her head on my shoulder.  I often hold her like this after her nap, when she needs time to transition into waking.  The other day she was having a hard time with it, said she didn't feel well, and I had jumped the gun by talking about going to grandpa's house to take care of the chicks (because I had an appointment that afternoon).  So I picked her up and held her for a while, and walked around the living room.  I was standing in front of the desk, when I noticed two cards (Nicole had made them for for all the mothers, but they were all different).  My cards say, "Cherish the Moment," and "Slow Down."

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